146.700(-) PL 127.3
Current Status: STANDBY
This repeater remains in standby as long as WC0HC-VM is OPERATIONAL
Golden Valley
444.175(+) PL 127.3
Current Status: OPERATIONAL
444.19375 (+) DMR CC 11
Current Status: OPERATIONAL
145.430(-) PL 127.3
Current Status: OPERATIONAL
444.20625(+) DMR CC 11
Current Status: OPERATIONAL
Except for the WC0HC-VM repeater, all WC0HC repeaters are open to normal traffic and ragchewing. All non-priority traffic must yield to emergency or priority traffic.
Beginning Sept. 3, 2024, all traffic on all WC0HC Repeaters is being recorded.
Any of the WC0HC repeaters can be reserved by public service organizations for use in not-for-profit parades, marathons, etc. If you are a public service organization and would like to reserve repeater usage for not-for-profit use, please email the repeater trustee at dan.anderson@hennepin.us.
DMR repeaters support two simultaneous conversations on the same frequency using Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) technology. During normal day-to-day operations, general amateur radio service operators use Time Slot 2. Time Slot 1 will be reserved for Public Safety/AUXCOMM use.
Recording of Repeaters Begins Tuesday
(8/28/2024) On the morning of Sept. 3, we will begin recording all radio traffic on all of the WC0HC repeaters. This will be done to ensure the repeater equipment is working correctly and that those that use it are doing so legally and in a manner that benefits public service and public safety throughout the Twin Cities Metro. We'll also be using recordings as a training tool in how we conduct net control operations. Thank you for your understanding. .
The WC0HC Emergency Repeater System is owned and maintained by Hennepin County Emergency Management for the purposes of providing a method of auxiliary emergency communications by licensed hams or those granted via RACES when all primary means of public safety communications fails. It is also available for SKYWARN usage per the Metro SKYWARN organization and the National Weather Service, and is used regularly for Public Service events throughout the Twin Cities Metro.
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